The mission of the Inspector General is to support the 319th Reconnaissance Wing and associated units by Assisting, Educating, Motivating, and Independently Evaluating unit mission efficiency, in order to create a more disciplined and combat ready force. The IG builds a culture of compliance and continual improvement by providing commanders with a thorough and unbiased assessment of unit operations.
When presented with an issue, IG will do one of five things:
Investigate - IG investigations are administrative in nature--they are fact finding rather than a judicial proceeding.
Refer - When the complaint is a valid issue, but not an IG issue. The agency, or your leadership, that the complaint is referred to must inform the IG what they did to address your issue.
Assist - IG assistance is the simple process of making phone calls, asking questions, or soliciting helpful information from appropriate offices or agencies or putting complainants in touch with people, offices, or agencies who can address their concerns.
Dismiss - If a Complaint Analysis discloses no recognizable wrong or violation of law, regulation, or policy.
Transfer - A complaint is transferred when a complaint analysis determines an Air Force Inspector General other than the one receiving the complaint should resolve it.
The Inspector General provides services for active duty and civilian personnel.
Office: (701) 747-4444
Inspector General
(701) 747-4241
IGQ Director of Complaints & Resolution
(701) 747-4444
IG Superintendent
(701) 747-4837
Director of Inspections
(701) 747-5945
WIT Manager
(701) 747-4707
Wing SAPM/MICT Administrator
(701) 747-4779
IGEMS Administrator
(701) 747-4505