Integrated Resilience Office

Many factors influence our resilience. Giving attention and focus to the Comprehensive Airman Fitness domains including Mental, Physical, Social and Spiritual Fitness provides a holistic, strength-based framework to be ready for life’s curveballs. 

The Integrated Resilience Office (IRO) is the office of primary responsibility to provide strategic solutions to build high-end resilience, with special focus on the most effective primary prevention and response to interpersonal and self-directed violence. The IRO focuses on connection-based activities, education and awareness briefs, fostering a culture of help seeking behavior, gathering data to drive program goals, and providing helping resources when necessary. 

The IRO provides trainings, information and skill-building exercises Airmen and family members need to independently assess and adapt to the changes within their environment. Through resilience initiatives Airmen and family members are empowered to maintain the balance of cognitive skills, physical endurance, emotional stamina, social connectedness and spiritual well-being to thrive and carry out the Air Force mission.

Email the IRO at for more information.
Phone: (701) 747-4814

Click HERE for information about Air Force suicide prevention. 

If you are in need of immediate assistance, you can call or text the Crisis Lifeline at 988

Check out the following for more information on the resources available to you and your family: 

Comprehensive Airman Fitness & Spectrum of Resilience

Spectrum of Care

Community Action Team

The Community Action Team (CAT) is a collaboration of helping agencies working to identify and resolve quality of life issues impacting Total Force Readiness.

The vision of the CAT is to produce high-performing Airmen and families capable of persevering through life’s challenges and growing in adversity. The CAT also provides tools for leaders to build stronger personnel and families who perform at work, at home and in the community despite stressors and the challenges of military life.

The page below provides info from all of Grand Forks’ helping agencies that can help make every Griffin mentally, physically, socially and spiritually stronger.

Click HERE for off-base helping agencies offering assistance to the Grand Forks AFB community.

Equal Opportunity

The Grand Forks Air Force Base Equal Opportunity office's mission is to deliver world-class Equal Opportunity and Human Relations services through balanced Equal Opportunity compliance, Human Relations Education, Organizational Climate Assessments, Alternative Dispute Resolution and Affirmative Employment to attract and propagate a diverse corporate culture that enables the total force the opportunity to attain the highest levels of achievement commensurate with individual talent and performance.

Call: (701) 747-3200

Sexual Assault Prevention & Response

The Sexual Assault Prevention & Response (SAPR) program here at Grand Forks AFB is committed to sexual assault prevention and response efforts. Our purpose to is to empower and educate our Airmen on best practices that lead to respect and trust amongst others. SAPR victim advocates ensure victims of sexual assault and harassment are appropriately informed of resources and procedures as well as ensuring their safety. 

Grand Forks AFB Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR)
Office: (701) 747-4370
24/7 Hotline: (701) 747-7272
DoD Safe Helpline: 877-995-5247

Total Force Fitness

Mental Health

The mission of Mental Health is to ensure, maintain, and enhance Air Force mission readiness by promoting individual, family and community resilience through readily accessible and exceptional psychological health services. This goal is accomplished by normalizing help-seeking behaviors through outreach, prevention and early intervention to help strengthen operational capabilities. The Mental Health Clinic offers a variety of treatment options to include individual counseling, educational classes and the utilization of off-base resources as needed. 

For more information or to schedule an appointment, please contact the Mental Health Clinic at (701) 747-4460.


The primary objectives of the Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment Program are:

  1. To promote readiness, health, and wellness through the prevention and treatment of substance misuse and abuse
  2. To minimize the negative consequences of substance misuse and abuse, and addictive behaviors to the individual, family, and organization
  3. To provide comprehensive education and treatment to individuals who experience problems attributed to substance misuse or abuse, and addictive disorders
  4. To restore function and return identified substance abusers to unrestricted duty status or to assist them in their transition to civilian life, as appropriate

This goal is accomplished using a variety of treatment options that are tailored to the individual.

For more information, please contact the ADAPT Program at (701) 747-4460.

Exceptional Family Member Program

The Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) is composed of 3 components: EFMP-Family Support, EFMP-Medical, and EFMP-Assignments agencies. The Exceptional Family Member Program Family Support office provides ongoing, non-medical case management services tailored to the unique needs of the family through needs assessments, community outreach, resources, deployment support, education, information & referrals, and more. The EFMP Medical office conducts the screenings/identification & enrollment functions, and the EFMP Assignments office conducts assignment coordination. Services are open to anyone with base access.

Exceptional Family Member Program Family Support Office (EFMP-FS)
Hours: M-F 0800-16:30
Phone: (701) 747-4484


Exceptional Family Member Program Assignments Office (EFMP-A)

(701) 747-6430

Exceptional Family Member Program Medical Office (EFMP-M)
(701) 747-5591

Operational Support Team

The Operational Support Team (OST) features a multidisciplinary medical team of active duty and civilian personnel that includes a physical therapist, a psychologist, social worker, strength and conditioning specialist and team specialist. OSTs temporarily embed in an occupational setting within operational units to address musculoskeletal and mental health injuries and identify the underlying causes of injuries to the unit members. OSTs embed within units from four to six months, depending on the needs of the unit.

Phone: (701) 747-6414/6412


The GFAFB Chapel team is available for you and your dependents, regardless of your faith background and spiritual beliefs.
The Chapel Team provides the following services:
  • 100% Confidential Counseling
  • Religious Education
  • Pastoral Care
  • Fellowship
  • Spiritual Readiness Wellness Check
  • Religious Accommodations
Worship Services:
Roman Catholic Mass: Sunday 1000 @ Sunflower Chapel
Protestant Worship: Sunday 1030 @ Prairie Rose Chapel
Prairie Rose Chapel
345 Tuskegee Airmen Blvd.
Grand Forks AFB, ND 58205
(701) 747-5673
After duty hours, to reach the on-duty Chaplain, please contact the Command Post at (701) 747-6711 and ask to speak with a Chaplain.

Family Advocacy

The mission of the Department of the Air Force (DAF) Family Advocacy Program (FAP) is to build healthy communities through implementing programs designed for the prevention and treatment of domestic violence, child abuse and neglect. FAP provides program- and policy-development, training and resources for medical treatment facility FAP staff, data collection and reporting activities, and program research and evaluation. The Air Force Family Advocacy Program Vision is to provide trusted care through education and evidence-based interventions to foster a culture of non-violence and help-seeking behaviors.

For more information, please contact Family Advocacy at (701) 747-4460.

Employee Assistance Program

The Air Force Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is a non-clinical, confidential resource for civilians and their families to connect with short-term mental health support, work-life referrals, resources, and information, as well as help with the daily challenges that may impact a civilian member and/or their family members. Services and referrals are provided at no cost to the civilian or family member.
Populations Eligible for Services:
  • DAF Civilian Employees
  • NAF Civilian Employees
  • Supervisors of Civilians (military or civilian)
  • DAF and NAF household/family members
  • Guard and Reserve civilian members and their families
Presenting Concerns for Which We Offer Support:
  • Alcohol/Drugs
  • Anxiety/Depression/Stress
  • Education/Professional Development
  • Finances
  • Grief/Loss/Sadness
  • Hostile Work Environment
  • Interpersonal Conflicts
  • Legal (i.e., wills, power of attorney)
  • Marriage & Family/Relationships
  • New Parent Assistance
  • Nutrition/Fitness/Tobacco
  • PCS/Separation
  • Sexual Harassment
  • Sleep
  • Special Needs/EFMP
  • Workplace Discrimination
Hours of Operation:  24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • Telephone Helpline/Hotline: 1-866-580-9078 (available 24/7 at no cost)
  • Follow-Up Support: Provided after calls and engagement
  • Website:

Military & Family Readiness Center

The Military & Family Readiness Center (M&FRC) is your one-stop information and referral center! We provide free assistance to all active duty, guard, and reserve service members, retirees, DoD civilian employees, and family members of eligible users, helping to connect them to information, resources, and community support agencies.

If it has anything to do with your family's readiness in terms of finances, relationships, career, transition from the military to civilian life, or health, the Military & Family Readiness Center has resources and support for you! 

Call: (701) 747-3241

Military & Family Life Consultants

The Military and Family Life Counseling (MFLC) Program is designed to augment existing military support services by providing confidential, short-term, non-medical counseling to service members and their families. With the exception of abuse and duty to warn situations, services are private and 100% confidential.

All MFLCs are master’s- or doctorate-level licensed counselors and can:
  • Provide psychoeducation (via presentations or talks) to help military service members and their families grow in resiliency
  • Provide services on or off of military installations 
  • Provide services to individuals, couples, families and groups 
  • Support a wide array of challenging life topics that include but are not limited to:
    • Anger management
    • Stress management
    • Communication
    • Relationship issues
    • Parenting or shifts in family dynamics
    • Military lifestyle
    • Deployment-related issues
    • Homesickness
    • Relocation adjustment
    • Reintegration
    • Separation
    • Building resiliency
    • Sadness, grief and loss

Call: (701) 405-5894

Organizational Culture Working Group

The Organizational Culture Working Group is all about highlighting our differences. Our various backgrounds, beliefs, ways of life, perspectives, and experiences are what make us stronger. Our goal is to broaden perspectives through cultural observances, immersion, and learning. We are always looking for project leads, volunteers, and new ideas.

Health & Wellness

Health Promotion provides health and wellness services designed to promote healthier behavior, enhance resiliency and improve human performance. Programs include nutrition and physical activity education, sleep optimization, and tobacco cessation.

Phone: (701) 747-5918

Master Resilience Trainers (MRT) & Resilience Training Assistants (RTA)

What is an MRT/RTA?

MRTs and RTAs are volunteers certified through Air University to conduct resilience training at the installation under the guidance of the local IRO Prevention Coordinator.  MRTs and RTAs provide resilience training at the First Term Airman Center, all levels of Professional Military Education, commander courses, Executive Group development, senior spouse orientations, and other venues as directed.

Becoming an MRT

MRTs are Uniformed, Civilian and Key Spouse volunteers. Following a self or leadership nomination, volunteers are trained locally as RTAs and then submitted to attend the official MRT Course (MRTC) through Air University. Following successful graduation from MRTC, volunteers serve as embedded support across their assigned installation. Contact Integrated Resilience Office at for additional details.


The GFAFB Legal Office supports service members and their families through its multifaceted Legal Assistance Program. This program promotes readiness and resiliency by educating, empowering, or advocating on behalf of eligible members to address the important legal affairs impacting their lives.

Populations Eligible for Services:

  • Active Duty Military
  • Active Duty Dependents
  • Reserve Airmen
  • Guard Airmen
  • Retirees
  • Retiree Dependents

Concerns for Which We Offer Support:

  • Notary Service and Powers of Attorney (See walk-in hours) -- Complete the POA worksheet prior to your POA walk-in appointment
  • Wills -- Complete the Estate Planning worksheet prior to scheduling an appointment
  • Service member protections (i.e., consumer affairs, Service Members Civil Relief Act, Uniformed Services Employment & Reemployment Rights Act)
  • Advocate for members eligible for special education rights for Exceptional Family Member Program families
  • Other: Family law (divorce/child custody), legal assistance for victims, landlord/tenant, immigration/naturalization, tax issues

460 Steen Blvd, Suite 201

Grand Forks AFB, ND 58205

(701) 747-3606

Power of Attorney & Walk-In Notary Service - Monday-Thursday 0830-1200 & 1400-1600

Inspector General

The mission of the Inspector General is to support the 319th Reconnaissance Wing and associated units by Assisting, Educating, Motivating, and Independently Evaluating unit mission efficiency, in order to create a more disciplined and combat ready force. The IG builds a culture of compliance and continual improvement by providing commanders with a thorough and unbiased assessment of unit operations.

When presented with an issue, IG will do one of five things:

InvestigateIG investigations are administrative in nature--they are fact finding rather than a judicial proceeding.

ReferWhen the complaint is a valid issue, but not an IG issue. The agency, or your leadership, that the complaint is referred to must inform the IG what they did to address your issue. 

AssistIG assistance is the simple process of making phone calls, asking questions, or soliciting helpful information from appropriate offices or agencies or putting complainants in touch with people, offices, or agencies who can address their concerns.

DismissIf a Complaint Analysis discloses no recognizable wrong or violation of law, regulation, or policy.

TransferA complaint is transferred when a complaint analysis determines an Air Force Inspector General other than the one receiving the complaint should resolve it.

The Inspector General provides services for active duty and civilian personnel. 

Office: (701) 747-4444


Inspector General
(701) 747-4241
IGQ Director of Complaints & Resolution
(701) 747-4444
IG Superintendent
(701) 747-4837
Director of Inspections
(701) 747-5945
WIT Manager
(701) 747-4707
Wing SAPM/MICT Administrator
(701) 747-4779
IGEMS Administrator
(701) 747-4505

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