Grand Forks AFB Virtual Visitor Control Center

Welcome to the 319th Security Forces Squadron virtual Visitor Control Center. Please reference the following sections for instructions on how to request base access for visitors and contractors, register your weapons, and how to receive your restricted area badge.

- The Grand Forks AFB Visitor Control Center/Bldg. #812 is open from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m, Monday-Friday.

- The Grand Forks AFB Commercial Visitor Control Center/Bldg. #147 is open from 6:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday - Friday.

- All locations are closed on federal holidays, down days, and family days.

Short-term Visitor Pass

Eligible Members:  Visitors/Contractors who will be traveling on and off the installation, ranging from >1 day up to 7 days

Where to Obtain:  The Grand Forks AFB Main Gate Visitor Control Center or Grand Forks AFB Commercial Visitor Control Center

How to Obtain a Short-Term Visitor Pass:
  1. Sponsors and their visitors will report to the South Commercial Visitor Control Center or the Main Gate Visitor Control
  2. Center for issuance of a visitor’s pass.
  3. Sponsors will provide a valid and current identification that allows sponsorship, e.g. DoD ID, CAC, DBIDS credential, etc.

Visitors will provide a valid and current identification, e.g. Driver’s License, Passport, State ID, etc., along with vehicle insurance and registration, if driving separately from their sponsor.
Foreign Nationals require a three-day notice, due to vetting requirements.

Contact Information:
Main Gate VCC:  (701) 747-3587

After-Hours Procedures:
Visitors may report to the Main Gate/Bldg. #144 after-hours or during federal holidays.


Eligible Members:  Visitors who will be traveling on and off the installation, ranging from 8 days up to 365 days.

Where to Obtain:  Main Gate Visitor Control Center

How to Obtain Long-Term Visitor's Pass:

1.  All sponsors, sponsoring organizations, or visitors inquiring about long-term visitor’s passes will contact 319 SFS Pass & Registration for more information and required documentation.

2.  Once SF Form 74 has been approved by the sponsor's squadron commander, visitors may report to the Main Gate VCC to be issued a pass. No appointment is necessary. 

Contact Information:

(701) 747-3587

After-Hours Procedures:

E-mail requests may be sent through .mil or encrypted accounts from sponsors or sponsoring organizations to  

Request for Pre-Approved Short-Term Visitor's Pass

Eligible Members:  Any visitor/contractor who will be requesting installation access, ranging from >1 day up to 7 days. 

Where to Obtain:  The Grand Forks AFB Main Gate Visitor Control Center

How to Obtain a Pre-Approved Short-Term Visitor’s Pass:

  1. Sponsors will provide SF Form 74 to their visitors. SF Form 74 will not be submitted earlier than 72 hours prior to the requested start date.

  2. Visitors will read and review all portions of this document and complete Part 2 – Visitor Information. Visitors will also provide a clear/legible scanned/photo copy of the front and back of their valid identification, e.g. Driver’s License, Passport, State I.D., etc. to their sponsor.

  3. Sponsors will review completed SF Form 74 and complete Part 3 – Sponsor Certification/Validation, signing that they have understood and validated all information on this form. This document and the scanned/photocopy of the valid I.D. will be emailed to Alternatively, sponsors may hand carry the form to 319 SFS/S5P. All SF Form 74 documents will be e-mailed from .mil encrypted accounts ONLY.

  4. Pass & ID will notify the sponsor via e-mail if the request was approved. Visitor(s) and sponsor will then report to Bldg. #812 and will be issued the visitor’s pass.


Eligible Members:  The host of an event that requires ten (10) or more non-base affiliated personnel.

Where to Obtain:  319 RW Public Affairs Office

How to Request a Special Event: Requests may be sent to the 319 RW Public Affairs office. Contact Public Affairs at 701-747-5023 or by e-mail at

Restricted Area Badges

Eligible Members:  As determined by Unit. Please contact your Unit Security Manager for further information.

Where to Obtain:  Main Gate Visitor Control Center

How to Obtain Restricted Area Badge:

1.  Members will contact their Unit Security Manger to confirm that AF IMT 2586 is complete and with 319 SFS Pass & Registration before scheduling an appointment for RAB pick up.

2.  When complete, personnel will report to the Main Gate VCC with their CAC and AF IMT 2586 in uniform to receive their badge.

Contact your Unit Security Manager with any further questions. 


The Trusted Traveler Program is suspended until further notice. Please request a short- or long-term base pass to escort non-DoD ID cardholders onto the installation.

Non-Emergency Tip Line

The 319th Security Forces Squadron has launched a virtual tipline.

The tipline can be accessed utilizing or by using the QR code that is found in public areas throughout the installation.

You can utilize this tipline to report traffic violations you consistently see on the installation or utilize it for any law enforcement questions or concerns you may have!



Eligible Members:  Base personnel who reside on the installation who own firearms.

Where to Obtain: Main Gate Visitor Control Center

Weapons Registration is MANDATORY for all personnel residing on Grand Forks AFB. You must register your privately owned firearms within 72 hours of purchase or arrival to the installation.

If you reside in Base Housing:

  1. Register your weapons with Pass and Registration. Unit First Sergeants may be contacted for required forms.

  2. Complete the POF Acknowledgement Letter, DD Form 2760, and AF IMT 1314. Ensure your Unit retains a signed copy of DD Form 2760 or other required forms.

  3. Hand carried or electronic forms will be accepted to register weapons. E-mail forms to

Contact (701) 747-3587 for any further questions.

If you reside in the Dorms or Billeting:

Personnel residing in dorms and billeting will store weapons in the Security Forces Armory. Upon arrival to armory, fill out DD Form 2760, AF IMT 1314, and AF IMT 1297. Personnel are required to bring their CAC upon registration. (Note: Personnel must notify the Armory 24 hours prior to weapons withdraw).

Contact (701) 747-3587 for any further questions. 

Long-term Contractor Card

Eligible Members:  Contracted personnel who will be traveling on and off the installation, ranging from 8 days up to 365 days.

Where to Obtain:  Main Gate Visitor Control Center

How to Obtain Contractor Card:

  1. Sponsoring Organization’s will provide contractors with 319 SFS Form 74.

  2. Once completed, SF Form 74 will be sent back to Sponsoring Organization, who will submit the signed and completed form to 319 SFS Pass and Registration.

  3. Pass and Registration will notify Sponsoring Organization if access has been approved or denied.

  4. If denied, a rebuttal package may be initiated with Pass and Registration.

  5. If approved, contractors may report to the Main Gate VCC for Contractor ID pick-up. No appointment is necessary.

If contractors require a visitors pass to enter the installation, Sponsoring Organization POCs will report to the South Commercial Gate VCC to sponsor. Contractor will show proof of valid ID, vehicle insurance and registration upon arrival at the South Commercial Gate.  All contractors MUST enter base via South Commercial Gate.

Contact Information:

(701) 747-3587