Eligible Members: Visitors/Contractors who will be traveling on and off the installation, ranging from >1 day up to 7 days
Where to Obtain: The Grand Forks AFB Main Gate Visitor Control Center or Grand Forks AFB Commercial Visitor Control Center
How to Obtain a Short-Term Visitor Pass:
- Sponsors and their visitors will report to the South Commercial Visitor Control Center or the Main Gate Visitor Control
- Center for issuance of a visitor’s pass.
- Sponsors will provide a valid and current identification that allows sponsorship, e.g. DoD ID, CAC, DBIDS credential, etc.
Visitors will provide a valid and current identification, e.g. Driver’s License, Passport, State ID, etc., along with vehicle insurance and registration, if driving separately from their sponsor.
Foreign Nationals require a three-day notice, due to vetting requirements.
Contact Information:
Main Gate VCC: (701) 747-3587
After-Hours Procedures:
Visitors may report to the Main Gate/Bldg. #144 after-hours or during federal holidays.