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  • E-11A Memorial Flight: Honoring the Fallen Five Years Later

    U.S. CENTRAL COMMAND AREA OF RESPONSIBILITY– Five years after the tragic crash of an E-11A aircraft and the loss of its two pilots in Afghanistan, the 430th Expeditionary Electronic Combat Squadron continues to honor the crew’s enduring legacy.

  • Air Combat Command lays out new priorities

    As Air Combat Command adapts to meet the challenges of Great Power Competition, Gen. Ken Wilsbach, commander of ACC, has outlined a vision for the future by emphasizing four key focus areas for the command: Readiness, Modernization, Agile Combat Employment (ACE), and Taking Care of Airmen and

  • 101 Critical Days of Summer 2024

    Col. Joseph Augustine, Air Combat Command Director of Safety, announces his safety priorities for 2024's 101 Critical Days of Summer.

  • DAF announces Spark Tank 2024 finalists

    The Spark Tank team presented the top 15 ideas identified through pairwise voting and subject matter expert evaluations from this year’s pool of submissions. DAF senior leaders convened to review and discuss the merits of each idea, reaching consensus to identify Spark Tank 2024’s six finalists.

  • Det 4 provides a data analysis capability for ACC units

    Air Combat Command's Detachment 4 supports commanders and warfighters across ACC's Numbered Air Forces, Air Operations Centers, Wings, and levels below the Wing to deliver decision dominance through data analytics. Det 4's mission is to execute operational analysis by transforming data into decision

  • 319th RW deploys first Airmen under AFFORGEN model

    Airmen from the 319th Reconnaissance Wing preparing to deploy to several locations in support of U.S. Central Command, U.S. European Command, U.S. Indo-Pacific Command and U.S. Africa Command as part of the 24.1 cycle attended a pre-deployment briefing Sept. 27, 2023, at Grand Forks Air Force Base,

  • First E-11A BACN arrives at Robins

    An E-11A BACN, Battlefield Airborne Communications Node, arrived on April 24, 2023, at Robins Air Force Base, Georgia. The arrival of the first BACN, often pronounced bacon, established one of the four new mission sets coming to Robins AFB, and falls under the newly activated 18th Airborne Command