Grand Forks Air Force Base vendor day Published March 14, 2008 By 080314 GRAND FORKS AIR FORCE BASE, N.D. -- The Small Business Administration and Grand Forks Air Force Base, in cooperation with the University of North Dakota, will be sponsoring a "Vendor Day" here March 26. This important event will provide an opportunity for local businesses to obtain firsthand knowledge of the federal government programs that are available. It will also give business leaders the chance to meet with contracting squadron buyers and government credit card holders from various operating units at the base. The base's contracting squadron spends approximately $30 million annually in services, commodities and construction requirements. Additionally, the over 200 card holders spend over $9 million annually to meet their day-to-day needs in running their respective operations. All a business needs to participate in these purchases is the ability to process a credit card transaction and awareness by the credit card holder of their products and/or services. This vendor day is scheduled from 1:30 to 4:30 p.m. at Grand Forks Air Force Base. Participating businesses will be provided, free of charge, with a 10-foot by 10-foot space along with an eight-foot table to showcase their products and services. Pre-registration is required by March 20. All participants should bring proof of insurance and current vehicle registration in order to gain access to the base. There is no fee for this event. For complete information and directions to the base, please contact the SBA representative, Eric Giltner at (701) 746-5160 or the Grand Forks Air Force representative, Graham Pritchett at (701) 747-5256. Media interested in covering the event should contact the public affairs office at or (701) 747-5019 no later than 2 p.m. March 24.