Base schedules aerial spraying of mosquitoes Published June 30, 2008 By 080630 GRAND FORKS AIR FORCE BASE, N.D. -- Officials here are working with the 757th Airlift Squadron from Youngstown Air Reserve Station, Ohio for an aerial mosquito control spray mission running from June 30 to July 3 covering the base along with a three-mile buffer zone to include the city of Emerado, N.D. The mission will be accomplished by a C-130 Hercules aircraft utilizing a $6 million spray system making numerous low-level passes at an altitude between 100-150 feet. The purpose of the spray mission is to lower the number of nuisance mosquitoes and infections associated with mosquito bites, as well as minimize the threat of West Nile Virus. An environmental assessment was accomplished and a finding of "no significant impact" was determined. The spray is not harmful to humans, animals or crops and will not affect parklands, wetlands, farmlands and wild and scenic areas. It is recommended for base occupants to remain indoors during the aerial spraying. Spraying will commence June 30 at about 8 p.m. The spray mission could be completed on the 30th if not postponed due to inclement weather or high winds. If postponed, the mission will be attempted each successive evening up to July 3. Additionally, the aerial spray mission may be cancelled if mosquito counts, conducted by the 319th Medical Group, do not warrant aerial application. For more information, contact the Public Affairs office at 701-747-5023.