Press Releases

Base investigates video camera found in locker room

  • Published
  • By 210109
A digital video recorder was found Jan. 16 hidden in a locker in the women's main locker room at the Grand Forks Air Force Base fitness center. 

Investigators from the 319th Security Forces Squadron immediately began an investigation. Recorded video of an isolated area of the locker room was discovered during the initial investigation and investigators confirmed that no portion of the showers or restrooms was recorded. 

The investigation is being conducted with the utmost respect for the dignity and privacy of gym patrons. An active duty servicemember has been identified as a suspect; however, at this time neither the name nor additional details will be released in order to protect the integrity of the ongoing investigation..

All appropriate wing facilities have been inspected; no further recording devices were found. The base is developing procedures to routinely inspect all restrooms and locker areas and, in particular, examine our access procedures for the locker rooms at the gym.

"This appears to be an isolated incident, said Col. John Quinn, vice commander of the 319th Air Refueling Wing. "Like any case, suspects are innocent until proven guilty. However, we take our military mission very seriously - to include taking care of our people. We'll continue to do everything we can to produce outstanding Airmen and citizens for America." 

Further details of the case will be released as they become available.