Troops’ Investment Pays Off for Grand Forks Quality of Life Programs Published April 6, 2009 By 090406 GRAND FORKS AIR FORCE BASE, N.D. -- While many retailers struggled, or even closed their doors, in 2008, the exchange benefit continued to pay dividends for military Families. Strong sales and earnings at Army & Air Force Exchange Service facilities, the Exchange Online Store and Exchange Catalogs helped deliver more than $260 million to Army, Air Force, National Guard, Marine Corps and Navy Morale, Welfare and Recreation efforts last year. "Historically, roughly two-thirds of AAFES earnings are paid to MWR programs with the other third used to build new stores or renovate existing facilities," said the Grand Forks BX's Pat Fields. "This structure means that authorized customers are essentially our 'investors.' Fortunately, thrifty shoppers rediscovering the value the exchange offers allowed the BX to provide a healthy return on their investment." Purchases made by Airmen at the BX,Shoppette,Burger King and other AAFES activities at Grand Forks last year generated a dividend of $275,760. These funds are critical to Air Force Services's ability to enhance local programs and facilities including the Bowling Center, JR Rockers, and Swimming pool With a mission to provide quality goods and services at competitively low prices and generate earnings to support MWR programs, the dual benefit AAFES provides military Families goes far beyond the clothes, electronics and snacks on shelves. Shoppers who exercise their exchange benefit at the BX, online at or over the phone through the Exchange Catalog actually help make the military community a better place to live and work. In fact, purchases made in the past 10 years have provided more than $2.4 billion to military quality of life programs such as Youth Services, post functions and aquatic centers.