Press Releases

Base to test first responders

  • Published
  • By 090615
Members of Grand Forks AFB are scheduled to test their initial response and recovery actions during an emergency management exercise June 17.

The exercise's purpose is to evaluate the ability of fire, security and medical personnel to communicate, react and recover during an incident involving an aircraft mishap, potential hazardous contamination and multiple casualties.

The scenario will inspected by the base's Inspector General's exercise evaluation team, who was involved in the planning of the exercise. Simulated victims of the aircraft accident are made-up to reflect what wounds they received in order to provide more realism for the exercise players.

In addition, damage to buildings, potential hazards and other challenges will be relayed to players via scenario cards or injects by EET members.

Media interested in covering this exercise should contact the base public affairs office via e-mail at or phone at 747-5023 by noon June 16.