Six weeks to a better you: week 4

GRAND FORKS AIR FORCE BASE, N.D. -- At week four, the participants have learned what they are doing wrong and what they are doing right. Let's see if they are practicing what they've learned.

The six participants of the Body Gem® program have completed their fourth week. Each has submitted seven days of meals and exercise logs to Staff Sgt. Shaleika Anderson, a Health and Wellness Center dietician. She will comment on each participant according to their logs, and each participant will describe how they feel they did the past week.

The weekend socialite
This week has been much better. Since the weather's been nice, I've been getting out more to run and play softball. Because I've been so busy, I'm finding it harder to eat decent food. Lately, I've been settling for quick things like sandwiches or microwave food. I have purchased more fruits, so that will help a bunch. The week was unfortunately not very good for my beer intake, as I had a friend visit and a work social gathering. However, I redeemed myself this weekend by drinking only one night. And, as always, my water consumption is still pretty pitiful, but I'm working on it.

Sergeant Anderson's advice -
Your calories seem to be extremely low on some days. Remember to never let your daily calorie intake go below 1,200 calories. Also, watch your fat intake, especially when calories are really low. Most people assume that if calories are low, fat should be as well. That is not necessarily a true statement. It truly depends on what you have eaten that day and the portion size. So, it is safe to say that you could still go over on your goal for fat. Overall, not bad, but remember to get those fruits and veggies in each day.

Old dog needs new tricks...
This week found me able to do more exercise. Plus, I was able to finally mow my huge lawn and was pleasantly surprised to find how many calories I burned pushing the mower back and forth across the acreage. Not that I didn't feel like I was working, but I didn't think about it as exercise and wasn't going to log it until I heard others talking about it. I can actually lose weight doing something I enjoy! As far as my eating, I have tried to keep the calories up like I am supposed to, and eat more vegetables, so I think that is going well. All in all, I believe I am doing well, but still have some work to do.

Sergeant Anderson's advice -
Overall, you did well!! Your calories were a little low on some days, but still not too bad. Please be sure to watch fat intake. Even on days when calories are low, fat intake could still be elevated. Watch carbohydrate intake as well. Be sure you are not consuming too many carbs. Also, be sure your carbs are coming from high fiber sources.

Tri-athlete in training
This week brought me back to reality. My lifestyle switched from vacation mode to the normal lifestyle I'm used to. I got back to eating regular foods and having my usual workout schedule, which was good because I was preparing for my first-ever triathlon (last weekend).

The Chain of Lakes Triathlon proved to be a great experience, although I was a little overwhelmed by the amount of spandex there. I started out with a mediocre swim, but my bike and run times were strong. I placed 68 out of 168 and walked away with a real sense of accomplishment. It was fun to go up against some pretty darn good athletes, many of whom had done dozens of triathlons before.

I felt that the Body Gem program helped me stay focused on my nutrition and training leading up to the race. One thing that I really like about the Body Gem is that it tracks more than just your carbohydrate, protein and fat intake - it monitors things like how much water you drink, so there's never any excuse to be dehydrated.

Sergeant Anderson's advice -
Awesome job with your food intake!! You stayed within your calorie range the whole week. Your foods were low in fat and calories. You even got your fruits and veggies in each day. Keep up the good work. You are on the right track!!

Beef cake
Beef cake is on leave in route to a TDY, but he should keep up with his balance log. Check back to see his comments next week. Here is what Sgt Anderson has to say about his diet last week.

Sergeant Anderson's advice -
Your calories have decreased, but your fat intake is still too high. Here are a few ideas to help you reduce your fat intake. Choose egg whites, instead of whole eggs. All the fat is contained in the yolk of the egg. So, by switching to egg whites, you will still get the proteins your body needs, without all the excess fat. If you like tacos, make your own at home. You can use white meat ground turkey instead of ground beef. Try using whole wheat soft taco shells as well. Decrease fat in milk by switching to 1% or skim, instead of 2% milk. You did a great job increasing fruit and vegetable intake. Keep working on increasing your cardio exercise to three times per week.

Lifestyle change
Well, once again I've managed to eat right and exercise and not lose weight. I'm sure it has something to do with how I am on the weekends, though. When I say "eat right and exercise," I'm basically referring to Monday through Friday. Weekends, I just don't eat my six meals a day... I lose track of time. I've got to work on that, but for the time being I feel a lot better about my eating choices. During my Physical Health Assessment, there was a question on the form about whether or not I got at least five servings of fruits and veggies daily, and I think for the first time in my 10-year career, I could check "yes." That was a good change.
Oh yeah...and I've heard my tummy growl!! It's been a long time since I've truly known what it's like to be hungry...not just eating because I'm bored or sad. I definitely appreciate that aspect of the program the most.
Also, I haven't been working out quite the way I planned recently. Since my husband is coming home after a four-and-a-half month TDY, I've been cleaning a lot, especially in the mornings, when I would normally be working out (I'm a morning person...I prefer doing things at 4 a.m. over 4 p.m. I know; I'm weird). But... at least I'm not just sitting there... I'm actually vacuuming, dusting, doing laundry; you know...the basics. Not to mention the outdoor work I've been doing after work; mowing, cleaning the garage...all the stuff I hadn't been doing while he was gone that I've got to make up for now so that he thinks I was doing it while he was gone:) So, I haven't been the poster child for this program, but I think it's made me a better person so far. I feel better, and that's more important than the numbers on the scale to me. Those will go down with time.

Sergeant Anderson's advice -
Great job staying within your calorie range!! I see that you have decreased your fat intake by choosing leaner meats. It also looks like you have increased your cardio as well. Good job getting those fruits and vegetables into your meals. Overall you are doing excellent. Keep up the good work!!

The Newly Wed
I've hunkered down and gotten back into my workout routine. Unfortunately, stress is what gets me out of my routine. My eating habits are better with including more fruit, and with the warm weather, I've become more active. I'm ready to get back to the woman my husband married.

Sergeant Anderson's advice -
You did great!! You were within your calorie range on most days last week. Most of your foods were low in calories and fat. However, be sure to keep an eye on your sodium intake. Even when foods are low in calories, there still may be a lot of sodium (especially with pre-packaged foods). Overall, good job with your meals. I also noticed that you increased your cardio. Way to go!!