What do you have Faith in? Published Nov. 10, 2015 By Col. Rodney Lewis 319th Air Base Wing commander GRAND FORKS AIR FORCE BASE, N.D. -- There are five guiding principles that every Airman here, should know, embrace, reflect on and apply to their everyday efforts. I like to refer to them as the Five Fs: faith, family, friends, future, freedom. It is important that we all understand what each of these mean and how we can apply them to our every day mission of defending the American Dream. Our faith in each other as Airmen is proven everyday as we work side by side to accomplish the goals and mission before us. We are each other's wingmen through tough times and good. We know that regardless of the circumstance someone will always have our back and we will always be treated with dignity and respect. We have faith that those charged with training us have done so to the best of their abilities. We have faith that our supervisors will lead us to become better Airmen. Regardless of our fate our fellow Airmen will always pick us up and get us home. We are reminded of that in the Airman's Creed, "I will never leave an Airman behind." Just take a look around, these men and women who surround you each day, wearing the same garment. They are in your corner, they have faith in you, and together we defend the American dream. The next lines, "I will never falter, and I will not fail" reminds us to have faith in ourselves. Faith that regardless of the road ahead of us we will pull from our core values of Integrity first, service before self and excellence in all we do. Faith that we were trained to handle the challenges and that success is not an unachievable objective, it is within reach and we will grasp it. We also need to have faith in the system, that the mission will always move forward and that we are the most powerful Air Force the world has ever seen. Those who have served before us left us with a noble cause and we carry that cause for those who are our future. Our mission is a noble one, a profession of arms, and even in the uncertainty of change, we understand that our Air Force stands strong at the gate of freedom. Our heritage is something to be proud of, the men and women who came before us needed to have faith in one another and because they did, they continued the tradition of honor while strengthening our legacy of valor. It is now our turn to do the same. As I walk around this beautiful base, I see hard-working Airmen doing their jobs with pride, Airmen who understand that their job has significance, that their job plays a much larger role in the big scheme of things. I will always have faith in the Air Force mission and the support of my fellow Airmen. I am proud to be an American Airman and I'm honored to call myself a Warrior of the North supporting our vision of one Grand Forks Air Force Base...Defending Freedom! To my fellow Airmen, what do you have faith in?