Wing takes a step forward Published Feb. 24, 2006 By Lt. Col. Kelly Goggin 319th Inspector General GRAND FORKS AIR FORCE BASE, N.D. -- I’d like to start by thanking the Warriors of the North for the long hours they’ve put in and the long hours they will continue to put in during the coming weeks and months as we prepare for our June Operational Readiness Inspection. Our exercise last week started by demonstrating our ability to execute our strategic operational plans to Air Mobility Command and Strategic Command experts. Their comments were positive and focused on the great attitude that everyone displayed. We then rolled into an initial response exercise where we processed 89 percent of the people and 94 percent of the cargo that will be required in the ORI. Finally, we capped things off with an unprecedented Base X scenario that simulated the environment we will encounter at our upcoming Volk Field, Wis., and Alpena, Mich., exercises with our partners at McChord Air Force Base, Wash. The exercises were a great success and demonstrated that we are well on our way to ORI success. Our next three exercises will provide the fine tuning necessary to “wow”the inspectors. I was personally impressed with the thought that participants put into reacting to each scenario, challenging my exercise evaluators to stay one step ahead. Our continuing goal on the inspector general team is to provide the wing with scenarios that will improve our war-fighting ability. With the continued hard work and dedication of the Warriors of the North, I’m confident we will improve to the levels expected by our headquarters. More importantly, improve our readiness to tackle the future demands of our nation.