To the men and women of Air Mobility Command

  • Published
  • By General Arthur J. Lichte
  • Commander, Air Mobility Command
On 29 February, it was my pleasure to join with the Secretary of the Air Force and the Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Acquisition in announcing the award of the contract to build the next generation tanker, the KC-45A. It was really a great day for AMC, our Air Force, and America.

As you know, the tanker extends global vigilance, reach and power; it is key to the success of all joint, allied and coalition operations. It enables our nation to strike a target or provide humanitarian aid, anytime, anywhere in the world.

The KC-45A will carry more fuel to offload, more cargo, more passengers, be able to refuel both receptacle and probe-equipped receivers on every sortie, and have defensive systems which will allow it to be flown deeper into hostile environments. It will not only help us win today's fight, but those challenges we'll face tomorrow.

The average KC-135 is now 47 years old. When the last KC-135 is retired, it will be 80 years old. So, our next step is to get the KC-45A delivered on schedule.

But, with Friday's announcement, we've already taken another important step toward ensuring the clenched fist of Global Reach we provide our nation's leaders, and the outstretched hand of hope we provide to those in need, is secured for future generations.