Violent crimes a real threat Published Nov. 17, 2009 By Kelly Hogness 319th Antiterrorism Office GRAND FORKS AIR FORCE BASE, N.D. -- Due to recent increases in violent crime, specifically active shooter scenarios, the Grand Forks Air Force Base Antiterrorism Office and security forces reviewed our prevention and response capabilities. We have validated checklists and revisited the Random Antiterrorism Measures Program to identify mechanisms to prevent or mitigate this type of heinous attack. Though no one likes to think it could come from an insider, especially one wearing the uniform, the potential threat is real. And if you think it can't happen in the Air Force, or that it is a civilian community-centric problem, thing again. Fairchild AFB experienced an active shooter event in the early '90s. The Risk Management Branch, NC/J34, released a presentation to accomplish two things: 1) Remind everyone that horrific events, like a random shooter, can happen anytime and any place, and 2) Appropriate actions can mitigate the event and influence the outcome. It is important to remember, random shooters can be male or female, young or old, and any nationality, race or creed. There is no set physical profile. And while we can't always prevent these events, we must be ready to respond. The Risk Management Branch has created a Shooting Incident Threat Aid to increase your chances of survival during random shooter incidents. This aid was developed to highlight actions in a closed-in or "building" environment. Comments have been added to outdoor situations. Remember, situational awareness will increase your chances of survival. This aid is not meant to replace awareness or early detection; it is an "after the fact" response. Only by being vigilant and ready can we minimize the gross effects of a random shooter. Don't forget every Airman is a sensor. If in doubt, report it. Notify or ask your commander, supervisor, security forces at (701) 747-5351) or the Eagle Eyes Program at (701) 747-3937.