"That guy" Published May 17, 2011 By Master Sgt. Tameka Morales Long 319th Force Support Squadron GRAND FORKS AIR FORCE BASE, N.D. -- Typically when we hear someone say, "Wow, look at that guy", "Leave it up to that guy" or "Did you hear what that guy did", it's usually because they have done something in a negative light. In the following message I will discuss "that guy" -- and for the sake of the message, please do not be offended by the use of the word "guy". It stands for both males and females. There is an age-old argument whether someone is born a leader or made a leader. Whether we are military or civilian employees, the bottom line is that it does not matter either way because regardless we are expected to be leaders. Leaders are people who have the ability to influence and inspire others to do the mission. In addition, leaders encourage a positive environment which encourages people to want to do their job versus dreading to go to work. Now, back to "that guy"; what we have to decide as people is if we want to fall in the "that guy" category. For example, if we are asked to work overtime or a weekend so a co-worker can take some much needed leave, will we be the ones who step in to work the shift? Or will we be "that guy" and selfish because we'll be missing our precious couch time? When our bosses give us assignments, they are expecting us to do a great job. We are trusted to do what we are supposed to do without hesitation. Do not be "that guy" who slacks at or who doesn't look out for fellow wingmen. The right thing to do is to be committed to work and co-workers. Better yet, are we going to be honest with those we work with or work for? If we are given instructions to do something and we feel there is a better, easier, cheaper way to do it, will we speak up? When we see someone with their hands in their pockets, their hair out of regulation, or running inside a building when they hear reveille or retreat playing on the giant voice, will we correct them or be "that guy" who is scared to address the issue? Let's not forget not doing what we say we're going to do. What I mean is when we commit to doing something -- be it volunteer work, taking on a work project or cut our deployed neighbor's grass, we need to follow through. We cannot be "that guy" who always drops the ball; but rather be the one who everyone knows will get the job done. How can all of the above get done if we do not display a positive attitude as a leader? Honestly, if we display traits of "that guy", we will not be able to. A true leader will be able to motivate those around you because being positive, excited and enthusiastic is contagious! One of the last areas I would like to touch on is a leader being able to effectively make a decision. No one likes working for a person who people-pleases so much that it negatively affects the workcenter or unit. We have an obligation to be able to direct people or provide guidance when needed or asked. We cannot be "that guy" who chooses not to make any decisions at all or communicates so bad that it confuses those around us. We should all be able to effectively communicate in order to ensure mission success. Whether you are the lowest ranking person in your workcenter, civilian, supervisor or commander, know that if you display selflessness, loyalty, integrity, commitment, energy and decisiveness, you will be "that guy" that everyone admires and respects. In the words of John Quincy Adams, "If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader."