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Aerial Mosquito spray mission scheduled for 2014

  • Published
  • 319th Air Base Wing Public Affairs
An aerial mosquito spray mission is scheduled for May 27-June 6.

The spray team, which uses a C-130 Hercules aircraft, is scheduled to spray areas of standing water on Grand Forks Air Force Base, N.D. The aircraft will be making low passes around the spray areas, at an altitude of 100-150 feet.

The purpose of the spraying mission is to lower the number of irritations and infections associated with mosquito bites, as well as minimize the threat of West Nile Virus.

The aerial spraying during the week of May 27-June 6 will target mosquito larva (mosquitoes breeding in water).

An additional aerial spray planned for June 30 -Jul y 3 will target adult (flying) mosquitoes.

Spraying will be conducted during the day between May 27 - June 6, and will continue until spray operations are complete. In the event of inclement weather or high winds, spraying will be postponed.

Additionally, the aerial spray mission may be cancelled if mosquito counts do not warrant aerial application.

It is recommended for base occupants to remain indoors during the aerial spraying, as well during upcoming ground spraying.

For more information, contact the 319th Air Base Wing Public Affairs office at 701-747-5023 or the base pest management at 701-747-4907/4289.