This is a graphic highlighting the 319th Reconnaissance Wing's mission, vision and priorities. The graphic portrays the 16th Air Force and 319th Reconnaissance Wing seals, a radio tower, a satellite, and a flying aircraft.

This is a graphic highlighting the 319th Reconnaissance Wing's mission, vision and priorities. The graphic portrays the 16th Air Force and 319th Reconnaissance Wing seals, a radio tower, a satellite, and a flying aircraft.

The 2,200 Total Force Airmen assigned to the 319th Reconnaissance Wing provide rapid combat support through mission support functions, mobility preparedness and continuous security to Grand Forks AFB, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Grand Forks International Airport and Cavalier Space Force Station located in Cavalier, North Dakota.  

The 319th RW provides a decisional advantage to our warfighters and national leaders through support of our nation's RQ-4 Global Hawk Block 40 high altitude Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) mission. Ensures strategic command and control through the operation of the nation's High Frequency Global Communication System.  Affords Combatant Commanders mission-ready Airmen anytime, anywhere. Provides airmen and families of the 319th RW team, to include geographically separated units and mission partners, with responsive, tailored and mission-focused support.

The 319th RW is organized into three distinct groups: the Operations Group, Mission Support Group and Medical Group. In addition, the Chief of Staff exercises day-to-day authority over several staff agencies that provide direct support to the Wing Commander.

The 319th OG oversees the infrastructure and support for the RQ-4 mission and is composed of employed-in-place pilots and sensor operators flying 24/7 RQ-4 missions across the globe. The 319th OG oversees two geographically separated units providing launch and recovery for RQ-4 operations. The GSUs include the 4th RS at Anderson AFB, Guam and 7th RS at Sigonella Naval Air Station, Italy.

The 319th OG also oversees the 18th Airborne Command and Control Squadron at Warner Robins AFB, Georgia, a GSU operating the E-11A Battlefield Airborne Communication Node (BACN) a communications relay and gateway system providing military commanders with a versatile means of exchanging information between air, ground and maritime sources.

The 319th RW is one of two locations operating the High Frequency Global Communications System (HFGCS) that transmits and monitors signals and Emergency Action Messages globally for senior leader communications up to the President of the United States, and all DoD agencies. HFGCS signals can penetrate oceans, pass through hurricane walls, and signals can extend to the surface of the moon making this system the primary means of communication for U.S. contingencies and can transmit in severely degraded and hostile environments.

The 319th RW supports mission partners including the Space Development Agency (SDA), U.S. Space Force direct reporting unit, and the Test Resource Management Center’s (TRMC) SkyRange program. 

SDA’s only Test and Checkout Center and second operating location, Operations Center North, will be located on Grand Forks AFB and will test, evaluate, and operate Low Earth Orbit satellites comprising the Proliferated Warfighter Space Architecture (PWSA). The PWSA will provide the backbone for JADC2, providing connectivity and interoperability for joint, coalition and partner forces.

The SkyRange program will develop and integrate advanced sensors and capabilities and provide flight operations and maintenance for a fleet of manned and unmanned air-vehicle systems supporting hypersonic capability development. Their test architecture includes the MQ-9 Reaper and RQ-4 Global Hawk Block that allow real-time telemetry, multi-spectral full motion video, maritime range surveillance ad clearing, and the collection of real-time weather data to inform launch decision-making.

Read the full 319th RW Strategic Plan here.

319th Reconnaissance Wing Mission Video

Video by Senior Airman Raisa Christie, Senior Airman Phyllis Jimenez, Airman 1st Class Anthony Nunez-Pellicer, Airman 1st Class Colin Perkins, Master Sgt. BreeAnn Sachs
2024 319th Reconnaissance Wing Mission Video
Grand Forks Air Force Base
March 8, 2024 | 10:56
The 319th Reconnaissance Wing provides decisional advantage to our warfighters and nation's leaders through support of the RQ-4 Global Hawk Block 40 high altitude Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR) mission. Ensures strategic command and control through the operation of the nation's High Frequency Global Communication System. Affords Combatant Commanders mission-ready Airmen anytime, anywhere. Provides airmen and families of the 319th RW team, to include geographically separated units and mission partners, with responsive, tailored and mission-focused support. (U.S. Air Force video by 319th Reconnaissance Wing Public Affairs Office)

319th Operations Group

This is an image of the 319th Operations Group seal.

The 319th Operations Group operates, maintains and supports the RQ-4B Global Hawk Block 40 aircraft, a high-altitude, long-endurance Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance asset that provides wide area search capabilities using Moving Target Indicator and Synthetic Aperture Radar. The 319th Operation Group's worldwide operations deliver national leaders, combatant commanders, and joint partners greater situational awareness across vast operating areas during peacetime intelligence gathering, contingency operations and conventional warfare. The 319th Operations Group oversees two geographically separated RQ-4 units: the 4th Reconnaissance Squadron based at Andersen Air Base Guam, and the 7th Reconnaissance Squadron at Naval Air Station Sigonella, Italy. Due to extreme weather conditions common during the Indo-Pacific region's typhoon season, the 4th RS temporarily relocates to Japan annually. 

The 319th Operations Group also supports the 18th Airborne Command and Control Squadron at Robins Air Force Base, Georgia, that operates the E-11A Battlefield Airborne Communications Node that allows warfighters to exchange information from multiple air, ground, and maritime sources.

The 319th Operations Group is composed of the following squadrons:
This is an image of the 348th Reconnaissance Squadron's seal.
348th Reconnaissance Squadron
This is an image of the 4th Reconnaissance Squadron's seal. 
4th Reconnaissance Squadron
This is an image of the 7th Reconnaissance Squadron's seal. 
7th Reconnaissance Squadron
This is an image of the 319th Operations Support Squadron's seal. 
319th Operations Support Squadron
This is an image of the 319th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron's seal. 
319th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron

18th Airborne Command and Control Squadron

319th Mission Support Group

This is an image of the 319th Mission Support Group seal.

The 319th Mission Support Group provides a diverse set of support functions to the military, civilian populations and mission partners assigned to the 319th Reconnaissance Wing and deploys combat ready warfighters to support contingency and humanitarian operations globally. The 319th Mission Support Group's capabilities include communications, civil engineering, contracting, force support, logistics, security forces and morale, welfare and recreation. 

The 319th Mission Support Group is composed of the following Squadrons:

This is an image of the 319th Civil Engineer Squadron seal.      319th Civil Engineer Squadron

This is an image of the 319th Contracting Squadron seal.        319th Contracting Squadron

This is an image of the 319th Communications Squadron seal.     319th Communications Squadron

This is an image of the 319th Force Support Squadron seal.    319th Force Support Squadron

This is an image of the 319th Logistics Readiness Squadron seal.    319th Logistics Readiness Squadron

This is an image of the 319th Security Forces Squadron seal.    319th Security Forces Squadron

319th Medical Group

This is an image of the 319th Medical Group's seal.

The 319th Medical Group provides outpatient clinic operations, ambulance services in the form of final response and transport, and supports the medical readiness of the 2,200 Total Force Airmen assigned to Grand Forks Air Force Base. The 319th Medical Group is composed of 180 medics who service 4.7 thousand TRICARE enrollees through the family medicine, pediatric, flight medicine, immunization, optometry, and dental clinics as well as the pharmacy and medical laboratory. 
The 319th Medical Group is composed of the following squadrons:
This is an image of the 319th Healthcare Operations Squadron's seal.   
319th Healthcare Operations Squadron
This is an image of the 319th Operational Medical Readiness Squadron's seal.   
319th Operational Medical Readiness Squadron