AF announces 2009 special developmental education opportunities

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Air Force officers interested in 2009 special developmental education programs must apply soon for the Olmsted Scholarship, White House Fellowship, Mansfield Fellowship or Information Assurance Scholarship programs.

A completed Air Force Form 3849 and senior rater nomination must be received by the Air Force Personnel Center by Sept. 15. Due to the limited timeline, scanned 3849s may be e-mailed to

Complete application packages should be sent no later than Oct. 31 to HQ AFPC/DPAFE, 550 C Street West, Suite 32, Randolph AFB TX 78150-4734. Incomplete or late packages will not receive consideration.

The Olmsted Scholarship Program provides an opportunity for Air Force officers to study in a foreign language at an international university abroad. The purpose of the program is to provide officers with an in-depth understanding of a foreign language and culture so they will be knowledgeable and sensitive to the viewpoints and concerns of people around the world as they progress in their Air Force careers. Officers do not have to be familiar with the country's language to be eligible for study there. Additional information is available at

The President's Commission on White House Fellows selects 11 to 19 citizens each year. The program's purpose is to give highly motivated Americans an opportunity to gain firsthand experience in the process of governing the nation and a sense of personal involvement in the leadership of our society. For more information, logon to

The Mansfield Fellowship Exchange Program allows a select group of federal employees to develop an in-depth understanding of Japan, learn how its government works and establish relationships with their counterparts in the Japanese government, business, professional and academic communities. For more information, logon to

The Information Assurance Scholarship Program was established by the Defense Department to increase the number of qualified personnel entering the field of information assurance to meet the increasing dependence on information technology for war-fighting and the security of its information infrastructure. For more information, logon to

The application process and program details, to include board convening dates, eligibility criteria and timelines are available on the Air Force Personnel Center's "Ask" Web site by entering Officer Developmental Education in the Search function.