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Chief shares with junior NCOs

  • Published
  • By Staff Sgt. Amanda Callahan
  • 319th Air Refueling Wing Public Affairs
Retired Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force Eric Benken arrived here Feb. 22 to serve as the guest speaker for the 319th Air Refueling Wing's annual awards banquet.

During his trip, the chief made time to share experiences with the base's junior NCO organization, Network 56.

"He gave good advice on personally attained promotion eligibility and leadership," said Staff Sgt. Matthew Padgett, NCO in charge of the base honor guard. "He seemed like a hip, cool cat."

After a brief biography, Chief Benken began to share his view on leadership, discipline and becoming a senior NCO.

"I believe that the fundamentals that you're taught in basic military training give you the basis for becoming a good leader," he said. "Leadership by example is a fundamental of good leadership."

Chief Benken told the crowd of a REDHORSE unit that was led by a captain and a senior master sergeant. Every Airman in that unit was as sharp as the senior NCO and captain. As the senior enlisted advisor for United States Air Force in Europe, Chief Benken had seen a lot of units, but that REDHORSE unit still stands out today, he told the crowd of staff and technical sergeants.

"Your troops will follow whatever standard you set for them," said Chief Benken. "It's the fundamentals of discipline you're taught in basic."

He also stressed the importance of teamwork to the group of junior NCOs. "You win and lose as a team. Whether you're an airman, a tech. sergeant, whatever ... You have an obligation to come to work and set the example with your leadership."

"Hearing Chief Benken speak about leading by example made me look back at my own career and what my supervisors expected of me, and now what I expect as a supervisor," said Staff Sgt. Michelle Moss, Network 56 president. 

"You have to be motivated and enthusiastic," the chief said. "You're only going to have so many resources to get the job done, but you have to make it work." 

Good leadership is even more vital as the Air Force transitions to leaner operations, as well as supporting the Global War on Terror in mulitiple areas of the world.

"This is an important time to be in the military," Chief Benken said in closing. "Your country needs you."